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How to Use AI in Writing SEO-Friendly Content

May 11, 2023
5 min read
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In today's era of rapid digital communication, marketing your business online is the most powerful way to reach new customers, but it can also be a daunting task. Why? Content marketing is one of the best ways to attract and engage an audience, but for that content to be successful, there are certain factors to consider.

One of these factors is search engine optimization(SEO).

Search engine optimization (SEO) tools are becoming increasingly popular among website owners to make their content relevant to users' needs. AI writing tools help you make your content more search engine friendly because they can write quality pieces compliant with Google's guidelines.

So how do you use AI writing tools to make your content more search engine friendly?

1. Use catchy headlines

You can use AI writing tools to generate catchy headlines for social media posts, blog posts, and even advertisements because it is better at understanding language nuances than humans.

By training AI on vast text databases, the software could produce headlines with a certain tone or sentiment that would resonate with readers. You could do this by finding specific words or phrases repeated in stories with high engagement rates.

For example, if you'll be using WordHero, the process is simple: users input keywords and click on "generate" or "write for me," and in less than 60 seconds, the AI will have a list of catchy headlines ready to share for use.

2. Write a simple and readable text

You can leverage AI writing tools to write simple and readable text for SEO purposes.

These tools are game-changers for content marketing because they eliminate the need for writers to create content, which is time-consuming and expensive. The AI writing tools use complex algorithms to mimic human language. They understand what people will read next, so they automatically write accordingly.

Content written using an AI tool has a higher chance of getting shared on social networks, thus increasing traffic.

3. Use SEO-friendly keywords

You probably have experienced searching for that perfect SEO-optimized keyword but couldn't find anything. Did you know that if you used an AI writing tool, you could generate a list of keywords for your blog post in seconds?

The only thing needed is to provide the AI with your topic idea, desired word count, and the type of language. An AI will then generate a list of words related to your topic, which is great because these are keywords that people are actually searching for.

4. Use a keyword-rich meta description

Meta descriptions are essential for web pages because they are often shown as snippet previews on search engine results pages. Filling out meta descriptions with good keywords can help increase a website's rankings on search engines.

One of the benefits of using an AI writing tool is that it can generate content tailored specifically for your site's keywords. This helps weed out irrelevant phrases and boilerplate text found in many articles published for SEO purposes.

The future is here. It's time to rethink your strategy.

In the past, content writers had to manually write meta tags to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP) in Google. With Artificial Intelligence, you can simply input your keywords, and a bot will automatically create a meta tag for your article!

This is a much more efficient way of ranking higher in SERP, and it allows you to focus more on writing content instead of doing tedious research.

In conclusion, using AI to make your content more search engine friendly ensures that your site is optimized for the broadest audience possible and saves time and energy searching through your content to make sure everything is up-to-date.

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