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How To Find Your Writing Voice?

May 11, 2023
5 min read
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Most writers intend to create captivating and inspirational work with their writing. All writers, regardless of genre, seek a different writing style and voice, whether in prose or poetry, novels, blog posts, or personal essays.

Your voice wasn't something you thought much about when you began to write. Simply by writing and stringing words together, you arrived at some conclusion. For the sake of telling the story, you didn't give much thought to making it your own and authentic.

Then comes society's pressures. As a writer, you feel pressured to write in a certain way based on popular story formats. You have the impression that you ought to write about particular subjects because of the kinds of books that are currently selling well. Others expected you to have a remarkable, distinctive voice that distinguishes you from everyone else.

However, you already have a unique writing voice and need to rebuild the one you already have. You can gain additional knowledge and refine the skill to make it more effective.

Texts that don't have a voice are blank and meaningless. Then, how are we supposed to persuade the reader to read our text or story? Since they cannot associate themselves with the characters due to a lack of life in words. 

Therefore, let's make it a goal to unearth your writing voice, hone it, and use it in a way that is both conscious and self-assured in your writing.

Writing Voice: What Does That Even Mean?

Writers have their unique language style, which includes words and phrases that have a distinct meaning and are written in a specific fashion. Written works can represent several voices, including the voice of a narrator and the voices of particular characters or personalities. Thus, a writing voice is a distinguishing feature that immediately impacts the reader. 

Find Your Writing Voice with These Simple Techniques

Start writing short stories

Short story writing allows for a great deal of creative freedom. Be as broad as possible in your topic selections. You might discover that you are more attuned to a particular type of story or that your writing flows much better when writing about connections between people or between people and nature.

Take the time to learn how to come up with an abundance of ideas. Develop your writing skills in a variety of different genres. Even if you've had a tough time getting through a story, you should learn how to finish it. Once you've written a bunch of words, your writing muscles will be strong enough to handle the work of writing a novel.

Have a coherent idea of how you want your voice to have

Although you are constantly searching for your voice, you already possess one. Work on it, but don't forget to try to improve it. Think about what you have and the one you hope to develop. For your voice to match your personality, you must first know what you are.

Make a list of the characteristics that you want your voice to have. Style, tone, and impact are all examples of these. It is your best voice, and you have to aim for it. 

Know who you are writing for

Who exactly are you writing this for? Is this a piece you're composing for a future self? On behalf of those you care about?

In some cases, you might ask how they're doing, inquire about their plans for the weekend, or make a lighthearted joke over something that happened last week. It means that your writing must have an authentic and human quality.

Do you consider the person who will be reading your text when you are writing a blog post or a page for a sales website? Or have you forgotten who's reading your words?

Being as specific as possible when mentioning your target audience is essential. You can make a fictitious character, just like you would if you were writing a story. Use this character to make sure your writing is suitable for this person. When you are at a loss for what to do next, refer back to it.

Let others read what you've written

Writing within a bubble makes it challenging to determine whether you are doing something correctly or incorrectly. Although writing can be subjective, there are some guidelines to follow. It's essential to know the rules of style, the expectations of specific genres, etc. You can't break or fight against these rules until you understand them.

All that matters is who you show your writing to. A pat on the back from your friends and family is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem. Making your work public—whether in a writing group, on the internet, in the hands of a professional editor, or anyone else—is the best way to improve.

Try out a few different writing styles

Instead of writing only about what you know, branch out and explore new topics. Write in various genres and mediums for a diverse range of readers. Create as many unique pieces as you can in the time you have. After that, you must double-check your work to see if it makes sense and improve it as much as possible. 

Even if you don't usually write poetry, political speeches, or journalism, it's a good idea to branch out and try something new. You will gain more knowledge if you force yourself to venture further outside of your comfort zone. Also, you can make use of AI writing software to help you discover different writing styles.

Ask yourself what the purpose of your writing is

The reason we write can significantly affect the quality of our written work. May you consider these questions for your readers or story, such as, is there something you want to tell others about? Get them fired up? Motivate them? Are they going to be taught? What are you going to do, tell a story? 

It may be a combination of things, such as writing creative short stories, blog posts, articles, etc. Create a list of the goals that you have set for yourself regarding your writing. Are there any particular things in which you have a strong sense of commitment or interest?

For example, even if your career goal is to write fiction, you can still use your writing to encourage, empower, enlighten, and offer opinions on current events.

Take inspiration from those who have influenced you

It's not like your voice appeared out of thin air. The people you've interacted with, including your parents, friends, and coworkers, have all impacted it. Give importance to the vocabulary, structure, and pacing that you've taken from them.

Consider other writers whose work you admire as a starting point if you're hoping to become an author yourself. It would help if you read their writing and think about how they achieve what they do and why you find it so appealing. But it would be best if you also thought about how their voices affect your own. What do you think they're trying to teach you? Are they helping you uniquely express yourself?

Keep on reading!

Reading is one of the essential things writers can do to improve their craft. It is true regardless of whether you are an amateur or a seasoned pro in the field. People can connect with what they read because of how the words are presented on the page.

Just let your mind wander as you read these beautiful stories and allow it to take mental notes of the interesting phrases and the intriguing ways the characters are portrayed. Acquainting yourself with various vocal styles will help you develop your own. Think about why the author put it that way. It's interesting to note that you didn't even consider the other person's voice because theirs was so natural and, as a result, didn't detract from the narrative.

Key Takeaways

Discovering your unique writing style is essential to attracting the kind of devoted readers and followers you want, not to mention that it's the only way to keep making a living as a writer. Thus, a lack of self-expression can lead to exhaustion.

Keep developing your voice as soon as you find it. It's a discipline, and it's one that you can't ignore if you want your words to have the influence you want them to have and that they deserve to have.

The most important thing to remember is that the world is filled with distracting and competing sounds. To be heard, you need to do more than shout. It would be best to differentiate yourself from others by demonstrating that you have something unique to say and a unique approach to expressing it.

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